Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Xbalanque God Guide

Xbalanque the Hidden Jaguar Sun

Xbalanque is an ADC and my favorite God because he is amazing. Once you get to late game or if you get fed early game, you can hyper carry and just get kill after kill. Basically if you get fed, you have a lot of fun. He is played in duo lane with a support because he isn't good early but he does huge damage later.
Xbalanque 's Passive For every kill Xbal gets 5 power up to 6.
Xbalanque 's 1 toggles and makes his basics do more damage, can can split into 2 damage other enemies for less damage.
Xbalanque 's 2 a cone attack that damages enemies, slows them  and leaves a Dot on them.
Xbalanque 's 3 lets him dash and jump in the air becoming CC immune and shoots out darts that does damage, more if they are poisoned.
Xbalanque 's Ult covers enemies in darkness for 3s,increases his attack range, movement speed and if enemies, are moving at the end of 3s they are stunned.


1. Dead of Night (Passive)

Xbal's passive, Dead of the Night, lets him permanently gain 5 power for each kill he gets, stacking up to six times. This passive is really good late game because you have crazy power or if you get fed early game you just kill everything.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Max Stacks: 6 
  • Physical Power: 5 

2.Branching Bola

This is a toggle ability that make his basic attacks do more damage, if it hits an enemy it splits into 2 bolas that hit can hit other enemies up to 30 units away for 30 % damage, If you toggle it again you cancel and do normal basic attacks.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Cooldown: .5s 
  • Cost: 8/10/12/14/16 per shot 
  • Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 

3.Poison Dart

Xbal shoots out 10 darts in the shape of a cone that does damage and poisons all enemies it hits. If they are poisoned they take damage every .5s and are slowed. An enemy can be hit by up to 3 darts with the 2nd and 3rd only doing 30% damage. 
  • Ability: Cone 
  • Cooldown =18/17/16/15/14s 
  • Cost = 70/75/80/85/90 
  • Poison Slow = 4/8/12/16/20% 
  • Poison Duration = 3s 
  • Damage per Dart = 30/50/70/90/110 +40% of your physical power 
  • Poison Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 +20% of your physical power

4.Rising Jaguar

Xbal rushes forward and then jumps into the air becoming CC immune. As he's in the air he fires darts in the air dealing damage in the air, if they were poisoned they will take additional damage. 
  • Ability = Dash 
  • Cooldown = 16s 
  • Cost = 60/70/80/90/100 
  • Radius = 30 
  • Damage = 80/130/180/230/280 +20% of your physical power 
  • Additional Poison Damage = 20% 

5.Darkest of Nights:

Xbalanque covers his enemies in darkness for 3s. While this is up his basic attack range and movement are increased. If the enemies are moving after the 3s they are stunned.
  • Ability: Area 
  • Cooldown = 90s 
  • Cost = 100 
  • Movement Speed = 20/30/40/50/60% 
  • Basic Attack Range Increase = 40ft 
  • Stun = 1.5s 

How I Build Xbalanque:

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image
  When I play as Xbal I don't follow the recommended start instead of the usual hunter Death Toll, Devourer's Gauntlet 1, and a health pot instead I buy level 2 Transcendence, and level 1 boots. Then as the money comes I finish Transcendence then finish off Warrior's Tabi. I use this start because I run out of mana fast as Xbal so Transcendence helps out in that respect and gives me a lot of power at the same time. Warrior's Tabi to get more power and some movement speed. Then I buy Soul Eater to get some more health, attack speed and some much needed life steal. Afterward I buy Executioner to get attack speed and power. Then I finish off my build by buying Rage and Death Bringer to get damage, and Crit chance. This is a build that lets you attack super fast, sustain with the extra health and life steal all while doing crazy amounts of damage per hit.Summary:

My Last 2 Games as Xbalanque Image Credit to SMITEGuru 

Xbalanque is a very fun and very strong God but you need to understand how to play him or he is just a strong God. Use this guide a base for how to play him and then as you go and get better with him mix it up if you want if see what works for you. Just do me a favor and share your build if you find another way to run him.


  • If you are running out of mana turn his one off until you regain enough mana to fight or back. 
  • Start team fights with his 2 so the DOT is on them throughout the fight. 

  • Your 3 makes you CC immune and can be used to get out of things like a Hades Ult. 

  • Get kills as quick as you can to stack his passive but don't agress without your support there to back you up. 

  • Keep in mind that your Ult affects all enemy Gods and be used to defensively to get away or offensively to get kills. 

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