God Guides and Reviews

  This is going to be a page where I write about each and every God in the game as I play them. I tell you how I play them, what I build on them, if I think they're good and if I'm good with them. If you guys want me to review a particular God, have questions about how I play them or any constructive criticism leave a comment below.


Overview: The first God that I’m going to review is Poseidon. Poseidon is the Greek God of the Sea and in game is mage that can do a damage and be a huge help in team fights. He is usually played in the mid lane and for beginners I recommend that you keep him there. He is a very easy god to use with his 2 stacking his passive, his passive increasing the damage of his 1 and 3 and his 3 and 4 able to be used in a fatal combo.


Changing Tide (Passive) 

Poseidon's passive is called Changing Tides and stacks with each successful basic attack and increases his movement speed and adds additional damage to his abilities. Using his abilities decreases Changing Tide. 
  • Basic Attacks increase his tide by 10% per hit 
  • 10% movement speed buff and ability damage buff at max tide 

Tidal Surge

Poseidon’s first ability is called Tidal Surge where he summons a wave that pushes enemies back in a straight line while dealing damage to them. This is good for when an enemy is getting to close and you want them to get back a little and it can be used as a secondary wave clear
  • Ability: Line 
  • Cooldown = 10s 
  • Tidal meter = -35% 
  • Cost = 70/80/90/100/110 
  • Damage = 100/140/180/220/260 + 70% of your magical power 
Poseidon's second ability is Trident and is a buff that gives him additional movement speed and each of his basic attacks has 2 more water shots per attack that move a 3 pronged motion in a 6 seconds. This is good for getting your tidal meter before or at the beginning of a team fight or if you need to get somewhere faster or get out of a bad situation the speed buff can be a huge help. 

  • Ability = Buff 
  • Cooldown = 20/18/16/14/12s 
  • Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 
  • Movement Speed = 5/10/15/20/25% 
  • Damager per hit = 30/40/50/60/70 
  • Duration = 6s 


Poseidon’s third ability is Whirlpool and is an AOE attack that cripples anyone in it (prevents movement abilities like dashes or leaps), it pulls enemies to the center, and deals damage every .5s for 3s for a total of 6 ticks of damage.This also reduces his tide meter by 25%. This ability works really well at clearing waves of minions and can be combined with your ult for a huge amount of damage to multiple enemies in a team fight or to secure a kill.
  • Ability = Area of Effect Ground Target 
  • Cooldown = 15/14/13/12/11s 
  • Tidal Meter = -25% 
  • Cost = 70/80/90/100/110 
  • Damage = 15/25/35/45/55 + 15% of your magical power 
  • Radius = 20 

Release the Kraken

Poseidon forth ability and his ultimate, is Release the Kraken that does a lot of damage, slows enemies within its radius. And if an enemy is in the center where the kraken spawns, they take additional damage and are thrown into the air and stunned. This is a fatal ability to use in a team fight to get a lot of damage or to secure and can combined with your 3 right before it to get even more A.O.E damage.
  • Ability = Area of Effect Ground Target 
  • Cooldown = 90s 
  • Tidal Meter =- 50 % 
  • Cost = 100/110/120/130/140 
  • Damage = 170/195/220/245/270 +30% of your magical power. 
  • Bonus Damage in the Center = 180/220/260/300/340 + 60% of your magical power. 
  • Slow = 30% 
  • Stun in the Center = 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s 
How I Build Poseidon:
Basic Build: 

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

When I play Poseidon I go for a power build and usually start off with Vampiric Shroud and a piece of Warlock’s Sash and health and mana potions because the give early sustain along with some power along with extra health, mana and a little MP5. From there I go into Shoes of the Magi for more power and mana along with some penetration and movement speed. Then I go into Chronos Pendant for my 4th item so I can get major cooldowns, more power and MP5 so I can cast a lot more and do more damage. Then I go into Bancroft Talon to get some more sustain with its lifesteal and more power. My 6th items I go into either Obsidian Shard for power and pen or a defensive item in depending on the situation.
Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

After I finish my this I usually will sell off Vampiric Shroud and build toward Rod of Tahuti for a even more damage to end the game. For active I usually get Beads and a second item depending on the situation. 
I love playing as Poseidon, and think he is a very good mage with the ability to do a lot of damage and change the Tide in team fight and help his team. If you're looking for a fun mage to play that is can do a lot of damage check out Poseidon the God of the Oceans.



  Xbalanque the Hidden Jaguar Sun 


Xbalanque is an ADC and is my favorite God right now because he is amazing. Once you get to late game or if you get fed early game he can hyper carry and just get kill after kill. Basically if you get fed then you have a lot of fun. He is always played in the duo lane with a support because he isn't that good early game but he does huge amounts of damage late game. He can get kills early game but he needs the support of his team.

1. Dead of Night (Passive)

Xbal's passive, Dead of the Night, lets him permanently get 5 power for each kill he gets, stacking up to six times. This passive is really good late game because you have crazy power or if you get fed early game you just kill everything.

  • Ability: Buff 
  • Physical Power: 5 per stack 
  • Max Stacks: 6 
2.Branching Bola
This is a toggle ability that make his basic attacks do more damage, if it hits an enemy it splits into 2 bolas that hit can hit other enemies up to 30 units away for 30 % damage, If you toggle it again you cancel and do normal basic attacks.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Cooldown: .5s 
  • Cost: 8/10/12/14/16 per shot 
  • Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 

3.Poison Dart
Xbal shoots out 10 darts in the shape of a cone that does damage and poisons all enemies it hits. If they are poisoned they take damage every .5s and are slowed. An enemy can be hit by up to 3 darts with the 2nd and 3rd only doing 30% damage.
  • Ability: Cone 
  • Cooldown =18/17/16/15/14s 
  • Cost = 70/75/80/85/90 
  • Damage per Dart = 30/50/70/90/110 +40% of your physical power 
  • Poison Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 +20% of your physical power 
  • Poison Slow = 4/8/12/16/20% 
  • Poison Duration = 3s 
4.Rising Jaguar
Xbal rushes forward and then jumps into the air becoming CC immune. As he's in the air he fires darts in the air dealing damage in the air, if they were poisoned they will take additional damage.
  • Ability = Dash 
  • Cooldown = 16s 
  • Cost = 60/70/80/90/100 
  • Radius = 30 
  • Damage = 80/130/180/230/280 +20% of your physical power 
  • Additional Poison Damage = 20% 

5.Darkest of Nights:

Xbalanque covers his enemies in darkness for 3s. While this is up his basic attack range and movement are increased. If the enemies are moving after the 3s they are stunned. 
  • Ability: Area 
  • Cooldown = 90s 
  • Cost = 100 
  • Movement Speed = 20/30/40/50/60% 
  • Basic Attack Range Increase = 40ft 
  • Stun = 1.5s 

How I Build Xbalanque:
Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

When I play as Xbal I don't follow the recommended start instead of the usual hunter Death Toll, Devourer's Gauntlet 1, and a health pot instead I buy level 2 Transcendence, and level 1 boots. Then as the money comes I finish Transcendence then finish off Warrior's Tabi. I use this start because I run out of mana fast as Xbal so Transcendence helps out in that respect and gives me a lot of power at the same time. Warrior's Tabi to get more power and some movement speed. Then I buy Soul Eater to get some more health, attack speed and some much needed life steal. Afterward I buy Executioner to get attack speed and power. Then I finish off my build by buying Rage and Death Bringer to get damage, and Crit chance. This is a build that lets you attack super fast, sustain with the extra health and life steal all while doing crazy amounts of damage per hit.

My Last 2 Games as Xbalanque 

**This isn't going to be a regular thing, I just had 2 really good games as Xbalanque.

Xbalanque is a very fun and very strong God but you need to understand how to play him or he is just a strong God. Use this guide a base for how to play him and then as you go and get better with him mix it up if you want if see what works for you. Just do me a favor and share your build if you find another way to run him.

  • If you are running out of mana turn his one off until you regain enough mana to fight or back.
  • Start team fights with his 2 so the DOT is on them throughout the fight.
  • Your 3 makes you CC immune and can be used to get out of things like a Hades Ult. 
  • Get kills as quick as you can to stack his passive but don't agress without your support there to back you up. 
  • Keep in mind that your Ult affects all enemy Gods and be used to defensively to get away or offensively to get kills. 

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