The Basics

This is Fenrir using his 3, Brutalize.

  In SMITE God has 5 unique abilities/abilities. You have a passive that works automatically for you.You have 4 abilities that that you have to use manually, and you have basic attacks that basically just let you attack the enemy team.


  • Your basic attacks cost no mana and do damage according to your power.These are skill shots that you have to aim and you use basics by clicking on the left mouse button. 
  • Each God’s basic attack can be melee where you have to be close enough to hit them in the face to hit them, or ranged where you can hit them in the face from far away.


  • Your passive is a buff to you god in some way
  • Can either stack with your basic attack or abilities to help you do more damage 
  • Can be a buff that helps you survive like preventing multiples crits in row. 


  • Your 4 abilities can either be a buff that increase you and/or your team's stats,a debuff that decreases your enemies stats, or damage ability that does damage the enemies.
  • Can sometimes have multiple effects on a person besides just damage so be sure to check them out before you play a new God. 

Roles/Positions   In SMITE each God fits into one of 1 of 5 roles, they're either a Hunter, Guardian, Assassin, Mage or Warrior and each class has their own advantages and disadvantages. Each of these roles then has a different playstyle/position in game especially in Conquest. Conquest , one of SMITE's amazing game modes, has 5 major position and each type of God's fits into one of these positions by creation and as you get better you can try them out in other roles. But before you start experimenting check out this basic guide on which role you should try first based on your play style and which in game position that role lines up with.


Credit to Getsueii at 

   If you want to play a God that can do a lot of damage and carry their team if you play, you would play a hunter. Hunters are ADCs, ADC stands for attack damage carry because most of their damage comes from their basic attack and as the game goes and they build items with damage and crit so they can Carry their team to a win. If you're a Hunter then you can do a lot of damage with your basic attacks and your abilities are mainly used to extend your range even further and be used to get in or out a situation fast. But the downside of being a hunter is that you can't do as much damage early game and you can’t take that many hits before you need to heal or head back to base. So you can’t play recklessly and aggres by yourself but hunters are ranged so you shouldn't be getting close anyway.


Credit to Getsueii at 
    If you want to play a God that is very defensive and is more focused on helping you're team than getting kills then you would be a guardian. Guardians always have high defense, a lot of health and usually have abilities that support their team mates and can set up kills for them. The down side to guardians is that like the name suggest is that they are guardians they focus on helping other get kills than getting kills themself so they deal low damage and are supposed to protect and body block attacks for them. This is why in Conquest the ADC and Support always defend dual lane (the longer of the two side lanes) together where the support allows the ADC to farm the minions while they protects the ADC from enemy attacks and let them get the kills so that they can build crits and late game items as quickly as possible.


Credit to Getsueii at
   If you want to play someone that is between and ADC and a Support then you would like warriors. They can deal out damage less than an A.D.C and can take damage but a little less than an Support. Their abilities vary God but warriors usually have abilities that can be used both offensively for kills, or defensively to support their team and can be built either way. This adaptability makes them the main class to be played as a solo lane and by people that want an flexible playstyle. One thing about warriors is that they are always melee fighters so you are always going to be in the middle of things.


Credit to Getsueii at 
  If you want to play someone that mainly rely on their abilities and bursting them, you want to be a mage. They usually have decent stats but can do a good amount of damage in with A.O.E (area of effect) or heal/ buff their team. Because of this mages can change the tide of a fight and do a lot to help their team. But they do use a lot of mana and if you get caught in a fight without any mana and you're going to be an easy kill. Mages are often played in the middle lane and able to help either side lanes or in the jungle. Mages like hunters are ranged fighter so they should be played a little bit out of the fight too and can be used to push back enemies when your team is in trouble.

Credit to Getsueii at 
   If you want to be able to be able to jump in, get a kill and get out then you would want to play as an assassin. Assassins are very mobile and can do a lot of damage in a short time but they are very easy to kill if they are not played right. Because of this assassins are usually played in the jungle killing buff camps, ganking enemies that over extend or helping out in any lane when it's getting pushed. Assassins are very easy to kill so be careful and go after people that already weak and aren’t building bulky.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad that most of the people I've played with have a COD mentality and are only looking to keep a positive K/D/A and not about helping the team
