Friday, October 16, 2015

Arena Tips

The Arena!!!

1. Get Buffs When Possible

  • Don't rush into a fight like a chicken with its head cut off. There are 3 jungle buffs on each side. 
  • Let  3 people on your team get a buff
    • Mages usually get Mana 
    • Assassins or Warriors usually get Damage 
    • Hunters usually get Attack Speed
  • Remember to keep an eye on buff timers so you can keep your stats up 

2. Kill the Minions 

  • Last hitting minions deduct 1 point from the enemy team
  • Escorting your minions  to the enemy portal  deduct 1 point from the enemy team
  • Killing an enemy God deducts 5 points from the enemy team 

3.  Protect Your Siege Minions/ Attack The Enemy's 

  • For every 10 God kills your team gets you spawn a Siege Engine 
    • Has more health than a regular minion 
    • Can't Attack
    • Only move forward if it has at least 1 team member near it
    • Move Slower 
  • 15 points if you escort them to the enemy portal

4. Make Sure Your Build Makes Sense for Arena  

  • You don't need to buy starter items because the flow of arena allows you to just jump into your build, Most people buy full boots first
  • Wards aren't really useful
  • You're almost always in a team fight so beads and other actives are very useful 
  • Getting items with both physical and magical defense isn't a bad idea if you're struggling or if you just want to be able to sustain more.
  • If the other team has a Ares BUY BEADS I die way to many times from his ultimate

5. Don't Play too Conservatively or Aggressively 
  • Remember you are almost always in  a team fight, so be careful when using them aggressively
  • Be careful when chasing alone if you do make sure you have teammates on the way or a way to get out fast  
  • Remember that the area is relatively small so if you need to go back to the fountain a lot then you can just make sure that when you do you don't leave your team hanging 
  • Timing Ults together can get a lot of kills especially combining an Ares or Xian Tien Ult with a AOE Ult like Hou Yi  or Poseidon

6. Work with Your Team
  • Use the VGS to tell you team mates when to attack, defend, or  retreat (If don't know what those are I got you Click Here )
  • Talk to your team in the lobby to coordinate Gods and have a good team composition.
  • If you see someone going for a kill Do Not Kill Steal 
  • If you and your team are in trouble, using an AOE Ult like Hou Yi or Poseidon as you run can save your team from losing points.

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