Monday, October 19, 2015

Study Like A God


       Alright this is just a quick tip that I've been doing a lot  but didn't realize how much it was helping me until today. The tip is to basically study to Smite, just kidding it's to watch professionals or youtubers play Smite because you see what they do and then implement what they do into your playstyle. Don't completely copy what they do because then you won't have fun but if you pay attention to things like how they react to certain situations or what they buy on certain Gods that you struggle with, you can learn a lot and become better.

    The best place to watch is the Smite Pro League or SPL where profession Smite teams go head to head playing 2 back to back intensely competitive and entertaining games.  Each week there are two games from Europe and North America on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you don't want to watch every game, every week you don't have to, but I highly recommend at least watching a few games and see if you like it.
If that's not your style then look up Smite tips, Smite gameplay, etc. on youtube and find what you like. I personally watch Tyde Time and LostScarf the most.  

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