Thursday, November 12, 2015

How to Have Fun in SMITE

This goes without saying  but SMITE is a very competitive game and as a new player it is VERY hard to play up to other player's expectation. If you're like me this can discourage you from playing but I have the solution to help you just have fun with the game no matter how new you are.

  1. Get a God that you like to play/ that you like to play/
  2. Get into an arena match because they are shorter game times and they are less serious
  3. Include as many items in your build that have attack speed, Ex Hasten Fatalis 
  4. Just hit people as fast as you can and don't get swallowed 
  5. Laugh no matter what happens because it will be really funny.
It either will look like this:
Credit to RAGE Group at
 Or like this:
Credit to jonseyht on his Youtube Channel 

Which looks funnier, I don't know but either way in game it is hilarious and a lot of fun. Just don't take it to seriously and have fun.

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