Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to Play Clash in SMITE


Clash is the basically a mode to get newer players who play arena comfortable with laning so they can play game modes with laning phases like Siege and Conquest. In Clash you have the aspects of a laning  game mode like well lanes,towers, minino waves, phoenix, Titans and buffs. But it has a similar feel like arena because you are constantly fighting with at least 2 other teammates or in team fights.


In my experience the best way to play is to have 2 people go to each lane and be ready for the red buff (after everyone buys their items of course) and have 1 person get the xp camp in your jungle . Once the red buff spawns your team wants to get it as quickly as possible but if the an enemy player gets the buff KILL THEM immediately or only fight them from behind minions. As the game goes,  you want to contest the lane until your team has an advantage in either level or in the number of players alive then you want to push one side to phoenix then the other. Then take one phoenix at a time and then take the enemy Titan. To do this reliably, you want to keep the red buff on your team and then take Gold Fury whenever your team can easily take the enemy team down so that you can get your full builds online. As your team gets their full builds online, you want to wait until you get a Deicide or if the other team is baking then attack Fire Giant so that you can take Towers, Phoenix, Titans and enemy players easier and faster.

Build Like Conquest
If you are have played arena and conquest for the Love of the Gods build like Conquest. If you have never played conquest, then I would follow the recommended standard build because the way Clash is played is more like how you play conquest than how you play arena. The only times I would deviate from the build is not buying something like Bumba's Mask which is only useful in Conquest.

Talk to Your Team
Using VGS is so critical because in Clash you are pretty much always in a team fight or moving between team fights. The two lanes are so close and have so many place to switch that you need to be calling out which lane you need to defend,attack,when ults are down etc. A good example is if 5 of the enemy team is in the right lane and the rest of your team can hold them off, if you say that you are going to split pushy your team can know to extend that fight as long as possible or at least until you take a tower.


Since the jungle is relatively small, you don't have to ward all game but if you see that the enemy team or if your team is starting to push past towers, then you want to ward the Gold Fury and Fire Giant because they can give a team that small advantage that can snowball really fast (the Diamonds). The circles are the places you want to ward only if you are either pushed up or being pushed back.

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