Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Raijin Guide

Master of Thunder 
Overview:Raijin is SMITE 2nd Japanese god and its 8 millionth god of thunder,he is a mage that can do tons of damage, mark enemies, escape bad situations and taunt/fear his enemies in a team fight. While you are a high damage mage your abilities allow you to be able to a more tanky mage like a Zhong Kui either playing him in the mid or solo lane.
Raijin's Passive: After using (don't have to land anything) 4 basics or abilities, Raijin's next ability does additional damage.
Raijin's 1: a line attack that shoots out 4 bolts of thunder, that get wider the farther they travel. It goes through minions and stops at the first god hit.
Raijin's 2: He sends out Raiju that marks an enemy on the minimap and when that enemy is hit by Raijin, Raiju damages the target and 4 enemies around him.
Raijin's 3: He sends a bolt of lightning at a ground location.This damages and mezes enemies and then he "leaps" in the sky and then lands doing damage.
Raijin's Ult: He summons his drums and can strike them 4 times, if you use his 1 you do 100% damage, his 2 does 50% damage and a 0.5s Taunt, his 3 does 50% damage and a 0.5s.

1. Static Crescendo (Passive)

For every basic attack or ability that Raijin uses, his drums stack an electric charge. When all 4 of his drums are charged his next ability does additional damage. You Do Not Have To Hit An Enemy to Get a Charge. You Can Basic the Air.
  • Ability: Buff
  • Damage: +30 of your Magical Power 
  • Max Stack: 4 (Only 4 drums duh)
2. Precursive Storm
 Raijin bangs on his drums 4 times launching 4 straight line projectiles that go through minions and stop at the first god hit. Each hit grants 1 static charge for a max of 3.
(The 1st and 2nd strike launch 1 projectile and the 3th launches 2 at the same time. 3 strikes, 4 bolts the math works don't worry)  
  • Ability: Line 
  • Damage Per Shot: 25/40/55/70/85 +30% of your Magical Power)
  • Total Damage if all hit 100/160/220/280/340 +30% of your Magical Power)
  • Cost:Cost: 80/85/90/95/100 
  • Cooldown: 10s.
  • Static Crescendo: 1 per hit, Max 3 Stacks 
3. Raiju 

Raijin sends out Raiju marking an enemy on the minimap revealing them to Raijin's team until the next time Raijin Damages them, Raiju  then does damage to that enemy and 4 nerby enemies.

  • Ability: Debuff
  • Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 (+ 70% of your Magical Power) 
  • Mark Duration : 4/5.5/7/8.5/10s
  • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
  • Cooldown: 18s
  • Static Crescendo : 1 when you send out Raiju

4. Thunder Crash

Raijin sends down a bolt of lightning that crashes down at a ground target mesmerizing enemies in the area. He then ascends to the sky himself and then comes crashing down in the same area doing damage again. (The timing is awkward at first but you get used to it)
  • Ability: Leap
  • Lightning Damage (1st hit) : 20/30/40/50/60 (+20% of your magical power)
  • Thunder Damage (2nd hit) : 40/60/80/100/120 (+40% of your magical power)
  • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
  • Cooldown: 15s 
  • Static Crescendo: 2 (1 for Lightning and 1 for Thunder)
5.Taiko Drums
Raijin flies above the battlefield, striking his drums 4 times choosing 1 of 3 Beats. ( Yes this is as fun to use as it sounds)

  • Ability: Line 
  • Base Damage : 120/150/180/210/260 (+50% of your Magical Power)
  • Beat 1 : 100% of your Damage
  • Beat 2 : 50% of your Damage and a .5s Taunt
  • Beat 3 : 50% of your Damage and a .5s Fear
  • Cost :  90 
  • Cooldown: 90s
  • Static Crescendo: Doesn't Apply to Raijins Ult 

How Do I Build Raijin?

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image 

  When I play Raijin I build him so that I can do a lot of damage and tank damage at the same time. Basically a tanky mage. 

  To do that I start off by buying Vampiric Shroud and Lost Artifact to get early game sustain and power so that I can stay in lane as long as possible and clear lane as fast as possible.
  Then I move on into Shoes of the Magi to be able to move around faster, get more power and early penetration. 
  Then I move on to Warlock's Sash ,this builds prefered stacking item, so that I can build some tankiness ( no, its not a word but you what I mean ) with a lot of health and mana. Plus the power it gives is nice to because it makes you hit harder. 
Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image 
  Then I upgrade Lost Artifact to Chronos Pendant so that I can have lower cooldowns and can cast more often, more power and MP5. Again all good things.
  At this point in the game my team pushing towers and objectives so I get Obsidian Shard the take them down faster and shred through enemy protections.       After that I get Rod Of Tahuti to get a huge power spike that lets me hurt everyone and just burst down enemies in a flash. ...get it lightning... flash..It was bad but you have to admit it was kinda funny... Ok moving on.

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image 
  Finally we get Spear of Desolation which is a new item that gives +130 Power, +20 Penetration and it passive is stupid good:all of your cooldowns are reduced by 8 seconds if you kill an enemy god but it cannot activate more than once every 30s. So basically you get it to desolate the enemy team. Ok that pun wasn't as good as the usual stupid puns but its hard to be funny all the time. 

What Do I Do As Raijin?/Tips

  • Be careful when using your 3, if there is an Awilix on the other team her ult can pull you and kill you.
  • You can be a tanky mage but you are still a mage and need to be careful.
  • Your ult Beat 1 HURTS A LOT so you can use this to secure or steal objectives.
  • Your ult can be used to pull enemies off you team or an objective by using Beat 2 (Your 2 Key during your ult).
  • Your ult can be used to pull enemies off yourself by using Beat 3 (Your 3 Key during your ult).
  • Use your 2 and 1 to clear waves quickly. 
  • Only use your 3 aggressively when you know you can get out of a bad situation aka if your team is with you/there is only 1 person alive
  • If you get the chance use your basic to charge your passive even if there is nothing there to hit. 

  Raijin is a hard hitting, lane pushing, minions shocking god that is a lot of fun to play. His kit is simple enough that you can pick him up pretty easily but as you get better with him, you get more use to his combos and are just a more effective Raijin. The main things to know are that you can be tanky if you build that way, your main combo to clear is using your 2, then your 1 and this can work on gods as well. Your ult can be used differently depending on which beat combo you use but you need to know what that combo is before going into your ult or else you will run out of time. Good Luck and Have Fun Playing as Raijin Master of Thunder.

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