Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Poseidon God Guide and Review

God Of the Ocean 
The first God that I’m going to review is Poseidon.Poseidon can do huge damage and be a huge help in team fights. He is usually played in the mid lane.He is a very easy god to use with his 2 stacking his passive, his passive increasing the damage of his 1 and 3 and his 3 and 4 able to be used in a fatal combo.
Poseidon's Passive for every successful basic, your movement speed and ability damage increases. Using an ability decreases the meter
Poseidon's 1 A line attack that does damage and is a knockback
Poseidon's 2 Buff that makes his basic send out 3 attacks, and grants increased movement speed
Poseidon's 3 AOE attack that does damage,pulls enemies to the center, and cripples
Poseidon's 4 AOE attack that does damage,slows, does bonus damage in the center,knocks them up and stuns them.

1.Changing Tide (Passive)
Poseidon's passive is called Changing Tides and stacks with each successful basic attack and increases his movement speed and adds additional damage to his abilities. Using his abilities decreases Changing Tide.
  • Basic Attacks increase his tide by 10% per hit
  • 10% movement speed buff and ability damage buff at max tide 

2.Tidal Surge

Poseidon’s first ability is called Tidal Surge where he summons a wave that pushes enemies back in a straight line while dealing damage to them. This is good for when an enemy is getting to close and you want them to get back a little and it can be used as a secondary wave clear
  • Ability: Line 
  • Cooldown = 10s 
  • Tidal meter = -35% 
  • Cost = 70/80/90/100/110 
  • Damage = 100/140/180/220/260 + 70% of your magical power 

Poseidon's second ability is Trident and is a buff that gives him additional movement speed and each of his basic attacks has 2 more water shots per attack that move a 3 pronged motion. This last for 6 seconds. This is good for getting your tidal meter before or at the beginning of a team fight or if you need to get somewhere faster or get out of a bad situation the speed buff can be a huge help. 
  • Ability = Buff 
  • Cooldown = 20/18/16/14/12s 
  • Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 
  • Movement Speed = 5/10/15/20/25% 
  • Damage per hit = 30/40/50/60/70 
  • Duration = 6 s 

Poseidon’s third ability is Whirlpool and is an AOE attack that cripples anyone in it (prevents movement abilities like dashes or leaps), it pulls enemies to the center, and deals damage every .5s for 3s for a total of 6 ticks of damage.This also reduces his tide meter by 25%. This ability works really well at clearing waves of minions and can be combined with your ult for a huge amount of damage to multiple enemies in a team fight or to secure a kill.
  • Ability = Area of Effect Ground Target 
  • Cooldown = 15/14/13/12/11s 
  • Tidal Meter = -25% 
  • Cost = 70/80/90/100/110 
  • Damage = 15/25/35/45/55 + 15% of your magical power 
  • Radius = 20 

4.Release the Kraken
Poseidon forth ability and his ultimate, is Release the Kraken that does a lot of damage, slows enemies within its radius. And if an enemy is in the center where the kraken spawns, they take additional damage and are thrown into the air and stunned. This is a fatal ability to use in a team fight to get a lot of damage or to secure and can combined with your 3 right before it to get even more A.O.E damage.
  • Ability = Area of Effect Ground Target 
  • Cooldown = 90s 
  • Tidal Meter =- 50 % 
  • Cost = 100/110/120/130/140 
  • Damage = 170/195/220/245/270 +30% of your magical power. 
  • Bonus Damage in the Center = 180/220/260/300/340 + 60% of your magical power. 
  • Slow = 30% 
  • Stun in the Center = 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s 

How I Build Poseidon:

Basic Build:
Credit to EliteOwnage on 
   When I play Poseidon I go for a power build and usually start off with Vampiric Shroud and a piece of Warlock’s Sash and health and mana potions because the give early sustain along with some power along with extra health, mana and a little MP5. From there I go into Shoes of the Magi for more power and mana along with some penetration and movement speed. Then I go into Chronos Pendant for my 4th item so I can get major cooldowns, more power and MP5 so I can cast a lot more and do more damage. Then I go into Bancroft Talon to get some more sustain with its lifesteal and more power. My 6th items I go into either Obsidian Shard for power and pen or a defensive item in depending on the situation. 

Credit to EliteOwnage on 
    After I finish my this I usually will sell off Vampiric Shroud and build toward Rod of Tahuti for a even more damage to end the game. For active I usually get Beads and a second item depending on the situation.


 I love playing as Poseidon, and think he is a very good mage with the ability to do a lot of damage and change the Tide in team fight and help his team. If you're looking for a fun mage to play that is can do a lot of damage check out Poseidon the God of the Oceans.

Monday, September 28, 2015

God Guides and Reviews

This is going to be a page where I write about each and every God in the game as I play them. I'll tell you how I play them, what I build on them, if I think they're good and if I'm good with them. If you guys want me to review a particular God, have questions about how I play them or any constructive criticism leave a comment below. #SMITE #SMITEgame #StudyLikeAGod

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smite Slang

If you're new to Smite or MOBAs in general, there are a lot of words that you won't understand and need to know so here are the words that I didn't know and think are important. #SMITE #SMITEgame #StudyLikeAGod

  1. ADC - Attack Damage Carry, these are usually hunters that are weak early game but can carry their team late game.
  2. AFK - When someone is Away From their Keyboard for a long time
  3. Aura - When an item affects the people around you. (Can be applied to teammates or enemies)

  1. Back - When you use the B button to go back to base without walking down lane or through the jungle
  2. Beads - an abbreviation for Purification Beads which is an item which that removes crowd control and prevents them for a certain amount of time depending on its rank.
  3. Body Block - Standing in front of a team mate to block an attack or to just block a minion or enemy from  from getting somewhere.
  4. Buff - something that boost you and/or your team's stats or health/mana.
  5. Build - the  combination of items you build on a character.  
  1. CC- Crowd Control effects that prevents your God from acting like normal either messing with your movement or preventing your abilities,attack or items
  2. CD or Cooldown - how long it takes before you can use an ability again, usually 10ish seconds for normal abilities and longer for Ults
  3. Cleanse  -
  4. Creeps - non player controlled characters, minions


  1. F6  - To start a vote to surrender or to vote yes to surrender (ONLY WORKS IF A MAJORITY VOTE YES and after 10 minutes in the game )
  2. F7 - Voting not to surrender after someone starts the vote
  3. F6 at 10  - When the game just starts off really bad and you don't even want to play through the 10 min but have to.
  4. Farm - When you focus on killing minions or jungle buffs to get gold an exp so that they can level up and be able to buy items faster.
  5. Feed - When your team repeatedly dies to a specific enemy giving them an significant lead in levels and gold.
  6. FG -  Fire Giant, a jungle buff that gives you team a +70 Magical Power, +50 Physical Power, +4% HP5 and +2% MP5, and also grants 20% damage increase versus Towers and Phoenixes for 4 minutes..
  1. Gank - Come out of the jungle from behind or through the jungle and kill and enemy.
  2. GF - Gold Fury ,a jungle boss that will give everyone on the team a lot of gold.
  3. GG - Good Game
  4. Glass Cannon - Building a God so that they have a lot of damage but has no defense at all.


  1. HP5-  the amount of health you regenerate during a 5 second interval.
  2. Hyper Carry - Gods that are really weak early game but can wreck late game and require a lot of farm and item dependent , most hunters are hyper carries but some non hunters like Chronos , Kali and Mercury.   


  1. Jungle (Map)  - The part of the map between or around lanes where buff camps are found.
  2. Jungle(Role) - The member of your team that does most of the buff camps and xp camps during the game and help out lanes when they need to. Mostly played by assassins.


  1. KS or Kill Steal - When you steal a kill from a teammate, even its not intentional its good practice to say sorry.


  1. MP5-  the amount of mana you regenerate during a 5 second interval.
  2. Mid -


  1. OP-  Over powered, means that a character is better than most if not all others and is too strong and needs to be balanced.


  1. Poke - when you use your abilities on an enemy player with no intent to killing them but to push them back in the lane.
  2. Push - when you push down a lane you push thought the enemy minions and take their tower or Phoenix.



  1. Stacks - When an item gets more powerful the more minion or God kills you get.
  2. Swallowed - When you get surrounded by the enemy team on all sides.

  1. Tanky - Building you God so that they have a lot of defense but minimal attack investment.
  1. Ult/Ultimate -  Each Gods 4 ability that does the most damage, has the most effect. Usually saved for crucial moments in game like securing a kill.

  1. Ward - An item that is placed on the ground somewhere on the map that that show enemies on the map and ping that location.
  2. WP - well played.



Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Alien Attacks September 22nd 2015

If you haven't noticed by now, Smite is constantly adding new content, and balancing Gods and items. Since we focus on trying to get better at Smite here I won't be covering the cosmetic changes but if you would want to read the rest of the changes Click Here. So to keep you to date I'm hear to keep you upto date.

God Rebalances and Reworks
  1. Athena's Shield Wall got fixed from being destroyed Gold Fury in some games.
  2. Bacchus's Belch now pushes minions back for its duration.
  3. Guan Yu just had a general update to his passive text to include the boost for dealing damage.
  4. Khepri's Scarab's Blessing got a nerf because it was so strong and so little counter play that now Executes and a glitch was fixed that caused the ability to go on cooldown without being fired.
  5. Neith received a general update that updated all of her fx on her standard skin, performance improvements and her World Weaver received a updated sound effect.
  6. Poseidon's Release the Kraken got an improved team coloring for the actual Kraken.
  7. Ratatoskr's Acorn of Yggdrasil glitch where it doesn't show up in the scoreboard is now fixed. His Through the Cosmos has improved coloring for trees.
  8. Vamana's Sleeping Giant passive now has a meter.
  9. Xing Tian got two of his abilities reworked:
    • Furious Roar DoT (Damage over Time) now last from 1/2/2/3/3 from its original 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 and its damage got reduced to 4% per 1s from its original 2.5% per .5s.
    • Whirlwind of Rage and Steel got reworked so now targets are now CC immune while grabbed, the warm up time is increased to .75s from .6s, the damage decreased to 15/25/35/45/55 from 50/75/100/125/150. Now it does increased damage for each consecutive spin for x2/x2.4/x2.8 after the initial hit.
  10. Zeus also got a pretty big rework to be able to allow him to be more aggressive.
    • Chain Lighting bounce delay was reduced from .4s to .2s, the damage was reduced from 45/85/125/165/205 to 40/70/100/130/160, the cool down was increased from to 10s and it now applies a 30% slow for 2s.
    • Aegis Assault, his new 2,  he throws his shield forward, dealing 80/125/170/215/260 +50% Magical Power as damage to nearby enemies and applying a charge. The shield remains for 3s, and Zeus may hit it with Basic Attacks or Chain Lightning to deal an additional 10/20/30/40/50 +Basic Attack damage, it cost: 60/65/70/75/80 and has a 10s cooldown.
    • Detonate Charge no longer slows the target if they have 3 stacks.
    • Lightning Storm No longer roots Zeus while he's casting.
  11. Zhong Kui got a general update that added extended lines to his voice pack

  1. Blink got nerfed at every level
  • Blink's cooldown has been increased from 90s to 150s
  • Improved Blink has increased cooldown from 60s to 110s and the time you have to be out of combat has increased to 5s
  • Greater Blink's cooldown has been increased from 45s to 70s, it no longer gives a 40% movement speed increase and the time out of combat has increased from 3s to 5s
  1. Death Bringer got a small but noticeable nerf  and now instead of getting a 50% increase in damage for crits, you now only get 40% increased damage damage which is still goods but less effective

Sunday, September 13, 2015

General Tips

  Here you can find some general tips to help you out in every game or just as things to keep in mind as you play Smite no particular order besides when I think of them. As I get better or make more stupid mistakes I'll add more tips so we can all get better and learn How to Become Gods at Smite together. See what I did there? I hope these help and if you think of something I didn't say tell me.

Know what your skills do and which can combo into each other.

  Before you play a God for the first time, you should always look at their God page and at each of their skills. Each God has a specific set of  skills and usually has at least 1 or 2 combos. For example Poseidon can combo his whirlpool into his Kraken and do a lot of damage and usually get a kill in a team fight. Geb can save a teammate and get the push the enemy Gods away by using  his 1 to chase down and knock back the enemies, use his 3 to shield his team mate and then his 2 to push them even more or use his 4 to stun them. But in both cases, I wouldn't have know about them if I didn't what Poseidon's and Geb's skills were if I didn't look up what they were, and I've tried using a God without looking at their skills doesn't end well trust me.

Never chase a kill unless your team is with you.
      This is so important to for beginners especially if they are used to game where they didn't have to rely on teammates. Im mostly an FPS player so when I played Smite for the first time I had to learn this the hard way but that's why your reading which already makes you smarter than me... Anyway back to the tip, if you ever see someone that has low health and it looks like you can get the kill but you have to the safety for your team DON'T DO IT!!! Sometimes you can get lucky and get the kill but most of the time it's a trap and you will get ganked even if you get the kill. This is a cautionary tip that always applies when you are new but as you get better in game situations can justify breaking this rule.

Try to finish building an item before going on to your next one.
     Always try to finish building your 1st item before buying on your second and so on because it helps you be more cost effective and lets you get your items online a lot faster. And considering that Smite is a game where items can have a huge impact on a game this is a good practice to follow.  But this tip can be overridden by in game situations where you have to buy a new item, at least have this ti[ in the back of your mind.

Pay attention to what the enemy team is building.

      This is a skill that you will get better at, as you get better at the game and learn the items. But as you're learning you can hover over the enemies items in the scoreboard screen to see what they are building and keep that in mind as you build your own God. For example if you're playing an entire team that is buying magical defense and your a magical God then it would be to a good idea to  buy a penetration items or an item that has penetration in it so your attacks are actually doing damage. This is skill that is gonna be trial and error in the beginning so if you try something and it doesn't work, try again.

Keep an eye on your mana and cooldowns timers.
     One thing that will get new players killed all the time and still gets me killed is not watching my cooldown timers or my mana.  This is a simple tip but very important because not paying attention to one or both can get you killed and hurt your team. But if you watch your mana and cooldowns and you consistently need faster cooldowns or more mana there are simple ways to work around it. If you need more mana, you can buy mana potions for faster recovery, items to get more mana or buy items that give you mana recovery MP5. If you need cooldowns add items with cooldown reductions or actives to your build.

Don't get kill hungry in the beginning of the game.

      In the beginning of the game everyone has their base stats, at most 2 items, 0 stacks and is relatively weak so it might be tempting to go for a kill, but you need to remember that your weak too. And in the beginning of game minions hurt, a lot so don't dive head first for a kill. Instead plan wiht your team to dive head first and it can save you a lot of deaths .

Be a Team Player.
     Smite is not a game where you can win by yourself solely on skill. To win a game you need to understand the God your playing, know what to build, and know what your doing. If this seems intimidating to you then one your a normal human being if not then wow your confident but either way don't worry you'll get better with in time and soon enough you'll be doing all of this stuff without even thinking about it. But untill then and even after you get good at the game, you have team mates, a community that is very helpful and of course me. So don't stress out if your struggling just keep practicing and work with your team.

Trying Out New Gods 
      If you have a specific play style some you might not like every God. For example if you like playing Gods that can get kills like Apollo then you probably don't want to play a support like Geb who protects his team over getting kills.Although it is important to at least know about all the roles and how to play them,  once you figure out which role you want to play then you might want to start off with focusing on the Gods in that role. For example it you like playing as a mage then start off with playing Gods like Poseidon, He Bo, and Vulcan to start. If you need help finding similar guides, you can look under the Gods tab in game or when picking a God use the drop down menu to chose which role you want to play, or if want to play as a God you already mastered or as a God you're still new at playing..

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


       If you're looking for a game that's fun, addicting, and strategic look no further than Smite: BattleGround of the Gods. Smite is a MOBA, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena where the player  controls a God, demi-God or mythological hero and with the help of your team, and your minions try to push through the enemy team, \minions and towers to get to their base and defeat their Titan. What makes Smite so complex and strategic is that as you take out enemy minions, players and tower you gain gold that you can use to buy items that boost your stats, actives that give you special abilities for a short duration, or potions that can boost heal you all while leveling your abilities and trying to counter the enemy team. At the same time, each character is part of one of  5 roles, assassin, mage, hunter, support, and warrior that has a specific playstyle and role. If this seems complicated to you and you've never played a MOBA before then you’re in the right place because I was exactly where you were a before I played Smite and even though I'm still new I'm getting better and am here to help you get better too.
#SMITE #SMITEgame #StudyLikeAGod