Sunday, September 13, 2015

General Tips

  Here you can find some general tips to help you out in every game or just as things to keep in mind as you play Smite no particular order besides when I think of them. As I get better or make more stupid mistakes I'll add more tips so we can all get better and learn How to Become Gods at Smite together. See what I did there? I hope these help and if you think of something I didn't say tell me.

Know what your skills do and which can combo into each other.

  Before you play a God for the first time, you should always look at their God page and at each of their skills. Each God has a specific set of  skills and usually has at least 1 or 2 combos. For example Poseidon can combo his whirlpool into his Kraken and do a lot of damage and usually get a kill in a team fight. Geb can save a teammate and get the push the enemy Gods away by using  his 1 to chase down and knock back the enemies, use his 3 to shield his team mate and then his 2 to push them even more or use his 4 to stun them. But in both cases, I wouldn't have know about them if I didn't what Poseidon's and Geb's skills were if I didn't look up what they were, and I've tried using a God without looking at their skills doesn't end well trust me.

Never chase a kill unless your team is with you.
      This is so important to for beginners especially if they are used to game where they didn't have to rely on teammates. Im mostly an FPS player so when I played Smite for the first time I had to learn this the hard way but that's why your reading which already makes you smarter than me... Anyway back to the tip, if you ever see someone that has low health and it looks like you can get the kill but you have to the safety for your team DON'T DO IT!!! Sometimes you can get lucky and get the kill but most of the time it's a trap and you will get ganked even if you get the kill. This is a cautionary tip that always applies when you are new but as you get better in game situations can justify breaking this rule.

Try to finish building an item before going on to your next one.
     Always try to finish building your 1st item before buying on your second and so on because it helps you be more cost effective and lets you get your items online a lot faster. And considering that Smite is a game where items can have a huge impact on a game this is a good practice to follow.  But this tip can be overridden by in game situations where you have to buy a new item, at least have this ti[ in the back of your mind.

Pay attention to what the enemy team is building.

      This is a skill that you will get better at, as you get better at the game and learn the items. But as you're learning you can hover over the enemies items in the scoreboard screen to see what they are building and keep that in mind as you build your own God. For example if you're playing an entire team that is buying magical defense and your a magical God then it would be to a good idea to  buy a penetration items or an item that has penetration in it so your attacks are actually doing damage. This is skill that is gonna be trial and error in the beginning so if you try something and it doesn't work, try again.

Keep an eye on your mana and cooldowns timers.
     One thing that will get new players killed all the time and still gets me killed is not watching my cooldown timers or my mana.  This is a simple tip but very important because not paying attention to one or both can get you killed and hurt your team. But if you watch your mana and cooldowns and you consistently need faster cooldowns or more mana there are simple ways to work around it. If you need more mana, you can buy mana potions for faster recovery, items to get more mana or buy items that give you mana recovery MP5. If you need cooldowns add items with cooldown reductions or actives to your build.

Don't get kill hungry in the beginning of the game.

      In the beginning of the game everyone has their base stats, at most 2 items, 0 stacks and is relatively weak so it might be tempting to go for a kill, but you need to remember that your weak too. And in the beginning of game minions hurt, a lot so don't dive head first for a kill. Instead plan wiht your team to dive head first and it can save you a lot of deaths .

Be a Team Player.
     Smite is not a game where you can win by yourself solely on skill. To win a game you need to understand the God your playing, know what to build, and know what your doing. If this seems intimidating to you then one your a normal human being if not then wow your confident but either way don't worry you'll get better with in time and soon enough you'll be doing all of this stuff without even thinking about it. But untill then and even after you get good at the game, you have team mates, a community that is very helpful and of course me. So don't stress out if your struggling just keep practicing and work with your team.

Trying Out New Gods 
      If you have a specific play style some you might not like every God. For example if you like playing Gods that can get kills like Apollo then you probably don't want to play a support like Geb who protects his team over getting kills.Although it is important to at least know about all the roles and how to play them,  once you figure out which role you want to play then you might want to start off with focusing on the Gods in that role. For example it you like playing as a mage then start off with playing Gods like Poseidon, He Bo, and Vulcan to start. If you need help finding similar guides, you can look under the Gods tab in game or when picking a God use the drop down menu to chose which role you want to play, or if want to play as a God you already mastered or as a God you're still new at playing..

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