Tuesday, September 8, 2015


       If you're looking for a game that's fun, addicting, and strategic look no further than Smite: BattleGround of the Gods. Smite is a MOBA, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena where the player  controls a God, demi-God or mythological hero and with the help of your team, and your minions try to push through the enemy team, \minions and towers to get to their base and defeat their Titan. What makes Smite so complex and strategic is that as you take out enemy minions, players and tower you gain gold that you can use to buy items that boost your stats, actives that give you special abilities for a short duration, or potions that can boost heal you all while leveling your abilities and trying to counter the enemy team. At the same time, each character is part of one of  5 roles, assassin, mage, hunter, support, and warrior that has a specific playstyle and role. If this seems complicated to you and you've never played a MOBA before then you’re in the right place because I was exactly where you were a before I played Smite and even though I'm still new I'm getting better and am here to help you get better too.
#SMITE #SMITEgame #StudyLikeAGod

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