Sunday, January 24, 2016

What is Season 3?

Season 3 Joust Map
What is Season 3?

  Basically a season change is when SMITE gets a huge balancing patch where they balance gods, balance items, add new items, change some game mechanics and rework some maps. For Seasons 3 they reworked both the Joust and Conquest map, they changed the way Actives work, and they made balancing changes and made A LOT of other improvements. You can read Hi-Rez quick run down here and the full list here. The full list is really long just to give you a heads up. 

When Does Season 3 Start?

As of 1/24/16 there is not a set date but it is scheduled to start in early to mid February.

Can I play Season 3 Early?

Yes, you can play it early on SMITE's Public Test Server (PTS) by following the instructions  and reading the limitations here. There are alot of links I know but it makes it easier for you to get where you want to go and I don't have to retype a bunch of  articles that are already typed out.

Does This Effect the Current Guides?
New Conquest Map
  Yes, basically once season 3 starts the meta will change and my guides won't be 100% accurate anymore but they won't be wrong either. The basics of the guides should still be right but 
the builds will probably change and  the role guides will need to be tweaked since the Conquest map is changing. The second I know enough about Season 3, I'll start making those adjustments and making my guides the best they can be. If you have any questions before then leave a comment or add me in game and ask. I'm just as funny in real life as in blog form...Ok I think I'm funny but I'm always up to answer questions and help other get better. 

When Are Your Guide Going to Shift Over to Season 3 Meta/Playstyle?

As of 1/24/16 I only have 1 more role guide to finish for Conquest which I should have done before the week is over. Once that's done I should be able to focus on the Season 3 changes once I get some play time on the PTS. Aside from that by the end of the week I will have a post on my first impression of the gameplay and I will post a guide that looks at the Relics and balanced/new items that I think you should know about. So this week you guys should have a lot to look at and I have of work to do. And I should go do that... 

Have fun on the PTS!!!

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