Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Magical Stack

What is Stacking? Pt.2
Stacking is when you have an item that gives you additional affects as you get more minion and god kills. 

Book of Thoth
Warlock’s Sash
+100 Magical Power
+50 Magical Power
Stat 1:
+ 125 Mana
+400 Mana
Stat 2:
+ 15 MP5
+300 Health
You permanently gain 10 mana per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack for a minion kill
Additionally 3% of your total  mana is converted to magical power.
You permanently gain +3 Health and +.6 Magical Power per stack, and receive 5 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack per minion kill.
Full Stacks

75 Stacks
+126 Magical Power
+875 Mana
+15 MP5
100 Stacks
+ 700 Health
+ 110 Magical Power
+400 Mana
Passive Simplified
You get 1 stack for a minion kill. 5 for a god kill.
For Each Stack you get 10 mana and 3% of your Total mana is converted to Magical Power.
You get 1 stack for a minion kill. 5 for a god kill.
For Each Stack you get 3 health and 0.6 Power.
Sounds weak but it adds up.
Book of Thoth and Warlock’s Sash are the 2 main stacking items for magical gods that are good items in general and get even better late game once they get full stacked.

Both of these are amazing and can be used on any magical user to give them a huge stat boost.

Book of Thoth is for gods that are you want to build for a glass cannon type of build because this gives you crazy power and mana but no survivability.

Warlock's Sash is for gods when you want to be tanky and be able to last longer in fights. This also give you power and mana so it is a all around useful item.

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