Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Smite Slang

If you're new to Smite or MOBAs in general, there are a lot of words that you won't understand and need to know so here are the words that I didn't know and think are important. #SMITE #SMITEgame #StudyLikeAGod

  1. ADC - Attack Damage Carry, these are usually hunters that are weak early game but can carry their team late game.
  2. AFK - When someone is Away From their Keyboard for a long time
  3. Aura - When an item affects the people around you. (Can be applied to teammates or enemies)

  1. Back - When you use the B button to go back to base without walking down lane or through the jungle
  2. Beads - an abbreviation for Purification Beads which is an item which that removes crowd control and prevents them for a certain amount of time depending on its rank.
  3. Body Block - Standing in front of a team mate to block an attack or to just block a minion or enemy from  from getting somewhere.
  4. Buff - something that boost you and/or your team's stats or health/mana.
  5. Build - the  combination of items you build on a character.  
  1. CC- Crowd Control effects that prevents your God from acting like normal either messing with your movement or preventing your abilities,attack or items
  2. CD or Cooldown - how long it takes before you can use an ability again, usually 10ish seconds for normal abilities and longer for Ults
  3. Cleanse  -
  4. Creeps - non player controlled characters, minions


  1. F6  - To start a vote to surrender or to vote yes to surrender (ONLY WORKS IF A MAJORITY VOTE YES and after 10 minutes in the game )
  2. F7 - Voting not to surrender after someone starts the vote
  3. F6 at 10  - When the game just starts off really bad and you don't even want to play through the 10 min but have to.
  4. Farm - When you focus on killing minions or jungle buffs to get gold an exp so that they can level up and be able to buy items faster.
  5. Feed - When your team repeatedly dies to a specific enemy giving them an significant lead in levels and gold.
  6. FG -  Fire Giant, a jungle buff that gives you team a +70 Magical Power, +50 Physical Power, +4% HP5 and +2% MP5, and also grants 20% damage increase versus Towers and Phoenixes for 4 minutes..
  1. Gank - Come out of the jungle from behind or through the jungle and kill and enemy.
  2. GF - Gold Fury ,a jungle boss that will give everyone on the team a lot of gold.
  3. GG - Good Game
  4. Glass Cannon - Building a God so that they have a lot of damage but has no defense at all.


  1. HP5-  the amount of health you regenerate during a 5 second interval.
  2. Hyper Carry - Gods that are really weak early game but can wreck late game and require a lot of farm and item dependent , most hunters are hyper carries but some non hunters like Chronos , Kali and Mercury.   


  1. Jungle (Map)  - The part of the map between or around lanes where buff camps are found.
  2. Jungle(Role) - The member of your team that does most of the buff camps and xp camps during the game and help out lanes when they need to. Mostly played by assassins.


  1. KS or Kill Steal - When you steal a kill from a teammate, even its not intentional its good practice to say sorry.


  1. MP5-  the amount of mana you regenerate during a 5 second interval.
  2. Mid -


  1. OP-  Over powered, means that a character is better than most if not all others and is too strong and needs to be balanced.


  1. Poke - when you use your abilities on an enemy player with no intent to killing them but to push them back in the lane.
  2. Push - when you push down a lane you push thought the enemy minions and take their tower or Phoenix.



  1. Stacks - When an item gets more powerful the more minion or God kills you get.
  2. Swallowed - When you get surrounded by the enemy team on all sides.

  1. Tanky - Building you God so that they have a lot of defense but minimal attack investment.
  1. Ult/Ultimate -  Each Gods 4 ability that does the most damage, has the most effect. Usually saved for crucial moments in game like securing a kill.

  1. Ward - An item that is placed on the ground somewhere on the map that that show enemies on the map and ping that location.
  2. WP - well played.



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