Sunday, December 20, 2015

Ra Guide

Egyptian God of the Sun
Overview: A really good beginner god is Ra. He has a heal, safe clear, a simple ult and a useful passive. He is a free safe and fun mid laner.

Ra's Passive gives increase your movement speed as you use your abilities. It can stack up to 3 times and last for 6 seconds.
Ra's 1 is a line attack that does damage.
Ra's 2 is an AOE around him that slows enemies every.5s and after 2s it does damage,doubles the slow, and blinds enemies if they are looking directly at him.
Ra's 3 is an AOE that last for 6s and hurts enemies and heals allies in it
Ra's Ult is a line attack that can go through walls, has super long range and hurts if enemies get by it.


1.Speed of Light (Passive)

Ra's passive Speed of Light simply increases his movement speed every time he uses an ability. Stacks up to 3 times.

  • Ability: Buff
  • Movement Speed: 6% 
  • Max Stacks: 3
  • Lifetime: 10s 
2.Celestial Beam

For Ra's first ability, he summons a beam of light that does damage in a straight line. This is your main wave clear and main way to deal damage. 

  • Ability: Line 
  • Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
  • Cooldown: 10s 
  • Damage: 95/155/215/275/335 (+70% of your magical power)

3.Divine Light

Light start glowing out of Ra, stacking a slow every .5s near him and twice as fast if they are facing him. After 2s the light detonates,damaging enemies and increasing the slow. If an enemy is facing Ra during the explosion are blinded.

  • Ability: Area
  • Radius: 30
  • Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
  • Cooldown: 12s
  • Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+30% of your magical power)
  • Slow per Stack: 5%
  • Detonate Lifetime: 3s

4.Solar Blessing
Ra summons a pillar of light that can heal allies or hurt enemies every second for 6s. This can be used to help wave clear by placing it on the wave before you use your 1 especially during early game.

  • Ability: Ground Target 
  • Radius: 20
  • Cost: 65/75/85/95/105 
  • Cooldown: 18s
  • Damage per Tick: 20/32/44/56/68 (+20% of your magical power) 
  • Heal per Tick: 20/30/40/50/60 (+15% of your magical power)
  • Lifetime: 6s

5. Searing Pain
Ra summons the power if the sun to unleash a devastating blast of heat in front of him. This has a really long range and can be used through walls.

  • Ability: Line 
  • Cost: 90
  • Cooldown: 70/65/60/55/50s 
  • Damage: 400/475/550/625/700 (+100% of your magical power)

How I Build Ra: 

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

   When I play Ra I like to have a build that lets me cast a lot and do a lot of damage while still being able to sustain myself. To do this I start by following the basic mage start of buying Vampiric Shroud and Lost Artifact plus 1 health and 1 mana potion. This give me some sustain with Vampiric Shrouds passive plus some power and MP5. After that I work my way to getting Shoes of Focus. I choose Shoes of Focus over Shoes of the Magi because I rather have early cooldown than early pen because I will be getting pen later in the build. Then I start building Warlock's Sash so I can start stacking as early as possible and get the power, health, and mana
.  After that I finish off Chronos Pendant, from the Lost Artifact I bought at the start to get to get more power, MP5 and full cool down. Then I buy Obsidian Shard to get some penetration. I get Obsidian Shard over Spear of the Magus because Obsidian Shard gives you more penetration to objectives which allows you to take objectives faster and I like to always be the obj player. For my 5th item I get Lotus Crown mainly for the passive which gives you 20 physical and magical protection for 5 second if you heal a teammate and it gives you physical protection, power and MP5. 

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image
   For my final item I sell off Vampiric Shroud and build toward Rod of Tahuti for a even more damage to end the game. For active I get Combat Blink for bad situations and a second item depending on the situation like Beads, Sprint, etc. 

How to Play Ra

  • In general you want to play Ra like any other mage. 
  • When you are trying to clear using you 1 and a few basics gets it done really quick, or you can drop your 3 between the archers and melee minions and then use your 1 to clear a wave really fast. 
  • If you get put into a bad position use for 2 as your run away place your 3 then run through it, use your 1 if minions get your way and just keep your passive up. 
  • If the person chasing you has low health and you know you are going to die Ult them and try to get the kill.  This is more for fun than good advice but if it work, it's really funny.
  • If your team need to escape placing your 3 in front of you guys can let your team heal as you run through it. Or place it behind you to slow the enemies down.(The ability doesn't slow but they will not want to take unnecessary damage so they would try to walk around it)
  • Ra's Ult is great for stealing Fire Giants and Gold Furys or Sniping enemies that try to get away.


Ra is a really good God for Beginners because of how safe his wave clear and heal make him kinda safe but he is still gankable if you don't play smart. Try to follow these tips and try my build until you get used to it and then see what works for you and what doesn't and then adjust my build and advice to your own playstyle. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to Play Mid in SMITE

Should You Play Mid in SMITE?
Credit to Getsukeii at
Should You Play Mid?
 If you want to play as a Mid in SMITE, you need to know how to control the mid camps, rotate to team fights, stay back and do damage during a fight.

  If you answered yes, keep reading. If you don’t know what position you want to play or if you want to try Mid anyway keep reading. If not try another Role Guide or keep reading for fun, I would.

What is a Mid?  

Here you can see Agni using us Ult which does a lot of damage in an AOE attack.
   Mid laners are usually mages with some special exceptions here and there like Neith and Chaac. Your main job is to control the mid camps rotate around to team fights when you can and deal a lot of damage late game. Oh did I tell you that you are suppose to control the MID camps on the side of the MID lane...I don't know if these jokes are funny but no one told me they aren't so I'm going to keep doing them.

What Do Mids Build?   
  Mid laners can honestly be built differently depending on which god you play but I'll show you 2 basic builds. The main thing to know when you build a mage is that you should start with Vampiric Shroud and Lost Artifact because this start gives you a little power, MP5, HP and shroud's passive gives you good sustain. The first is a more of a tanky and safer build and the other just more for damage.

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image 
   My first build follows the basic start of Vampiric Shroud and Lost artifact, then I build Shoes of Focus so I can have early cool down and more mana which lets me use abilities more often. Then I go into Warlock's Sash so I can get tank with more health, cast more often with more mana, plus I hit harder with power. Plus the passive gives me more power and health as I get more kills.

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

  After that I finish my Lost Artifact and turn it into Chrono's Pendant to get max cooldown, power to hit harder, and MP5 so I don't have to worry about running out of mana. Next we get Obsidian Shard to get some penetration that will help get objectives and kills. My fifth item can be a situational item but usually I get Bancroft's Talon to get power and more life steal. For the final item I sell off Rod of Tahuti for a godly amount of power...don't even lie you know that was funny. Did I mention that Rod's passive increase you magical by 25% that's ALOT.


Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

 For my damage build, I follow the basic start of Vampiric Shroud and Lost artifact, then I build Shoes of the Magi so I can have early penetration and some power . Then I go into Book of Thoth so I can start stacking, Book gives you a good amount of power, mana and MP5 plus the passive gives you more mana and converts 3% of you mana into power...that's a lot of power trust me it will hurt.After that I finish my Lost Artifact and turn it into Chrono's Pendant to get some cooldown, power to hit harder, and MP5 so I don't have to worry about running out of mana. Next we get Obsidian Shard to get some penetration that will help get objectives and kills. My fifth item you can get Soul Reaver to get a lot of power but when you are new I recommend having a lifesteal item like Bancroft's because it gives you power and lifesteal.

When you feel comfortable playing as a mid without life steal then swap it out for Soul Reaver. 

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image

  For the final item I sell off Vampiric Shroud to get Rod of Tahuti for even more power, you can never have too much you know. Did I mention that Rod's passive increase you magical by 25% that's hurts... really bad.

What do I do as an Mid?


Credit to SMITE Academy for the Basic Map at
  When the game starts you want to buy Vampiric Shroud, Lost Artifact , a health potion and a mana potion. Once you buy your items then run to damage buff and with your ADC and Support for yourself then rotate to mid lane and push/defend your lane to keep control of the mid xp camps. If you see your jungler get to the camps first rotate to help them or if you see the enemy mid laner start to rotate. If their jungler gets their before your jungler, try to keep them in lane to poke them down, or try and contest the mid camps if you feel comfortable with it. But if the enemy jungle and mid laner are both in lane stay back until your jungler is with you before you try and fight them.

Early Game: 

 During the laning, phases you mainly just want to farm and poke you the opposing mid laner as much as you can. When the mid camps spawn, you want to clear the wave and rotate over hopefully with your jungler but sometimes you might have to get them alone.

Mid Game:

Once you get to the 10 minute mark you should be collecting stacks and working on building cooldown. At this point you want to push your lane as much as can, poke the Tier 1 Tower if you can [AKA all enemy players are either dead or in another lane & you have minions to push with] and controlling mid camps. You also want to ward in front of mid harpies if your lane is pushed up or ward behind of the mid harpies if your lane is being pushed. When there is nothing for you to do in lane and harpies are down, check which lanes are being pushed and go help them or if an enemy is getting low help them get the kill. DON'T KILL STEAL only take the kill if they are about to get away.

Late Game:  

Once you get to late game your job is to HIT PEOPLE IN THE FACE, or at least hit them really hard with your abilities. Mage Ults are amazing when it comes to securing objectives* and even better at stealing objectives.* You also want to stay at a distance during fights and be able to zone out enemies. To either cover your team as the heal or to cover a retreat.
Red are the Mid Camps you need to Control
Light Blue are the area you want to ward as you start pushing lane 
Darker Blue are where you want to ward if you are getting pushed 
Purple are the Objective that you can do a lot of damage to using your ults
(excluding the Titan)

***In this situation I am only talking about Gold Fury, Fire Giant and Titans abilities don't damage towers.

Tips for Mid:

  • During team fights make sure you don't get swallowed 
  • Get your damage buff when it’s up 
  • Ward in front of mid harpies if your lane is pushed up 
  • Ward behind of the mid harpies if you are pushed back
  • If you are getting focused and can’t escape get blink
  • Play safe you can do damage but can't take that much

Mid Guide Update

I promise it's done, but blogger doesn't want to work and put my picture where they are supposed to be so the guide will be delayed another day. I'm really sorry guys, I'm going to get these technical difficulties sorted out this weekend so this doesn't happen again.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Update 12/08/15

Hey guys this is just a quick update to say that I'm sorry I haven't updated anything in the last 2 weeks, I've been working on a lot of post and working on the site itself , editing the previous pages to making everything look better but I promise that I will have a How to Play Mid guide Up by tomorrow night. I hope.... Anyways thanks for being patient and if you have any questions for me or want me to cover something specific leave a comment down below.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to Play Clash in SMITE


Clash is the basically a mode to get newer players who play arena comfortable with laning so they can play game modes with laning phases like Siege and Conquest. In Clash you have the aspects of a laning  game mode like well lanes,towers, minino waves, phoenix, Titans and buffs. But it has a similar feel like arena because you are constantly fighting with at least 2 other teammates or in team fights.


In my experience the best way to play is to have 2 people go to each lane and be ready for the red buff (after everyone buys their items of course) and have 1 person get the xp camp in your jungle . Once the red buff spawns your team wants to get it as quickly as possible but if the an enemy player gets the buff KILL THEM immediately or only fight them from behind minions. As the game goes,  you want to contest the lane until your team has an advantage in either level or in the number of players alive then you want to push one side to phoenix then the other. Then take one phoenix at a time and then take the enemy Titan. To do this reliably, you want to keep the red buff on your team and then take Gold Fury whenever your team can easily take the enemy team down so that you can get your full builds online. As your team gets their full builds online, you want to wait until you get a Deicide or if the other team is baking then attack Fire Giant so that you can take Towers, Phoenix, Titans and enemy players easier and faster.

Build Like Conquest
If you are have played arena and conquest for the Love of the Gods build like Conquest. If you have never played conquest, then I would follow the recommended standard build because the way Clash is played is more like how you play conquest than how you play arena. The only times I would deviate from the build is not buying something like Bumba's Mask which is only useful in Conquest.

Talk to Your Team
Using VGS is so critical because in Clash you are pretty much always in a team fight or moving between team fights. The two lanes are so close and have so many place to switch that you need to be calling out which lane you need to defend,attack,when ults are down etc. A good example is if 5 of the enemy team is in the right lane and the rest of your team can hold them off, if you say that you are going to split pushy your team can know to extend that fight as long as possible or at least until you take a tower.


Since the jungle is relatively small, you don't have to ward all game but if you see that the enemy team or if your team is starting to push past towers, then you want to ward the Gold Fury and Fire Giant because they can give a team that small advantage that can snowball really fast (the Diamonds). The circles are the places you want to ward only if you are either pushed up or being pushed back.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chiron God Guide

Chiron the Great Teacher 

The newest God to Smite is Chiron the Great Teacher, in game he is a hunter/ADC that can carry his team and support them at the sametime. He can do a lot of damage has unbelievable range but at the same time he has an escape and a decent heal. Basically he's either OP or just below OP.
Chiron's Passive Every 12s that increases healing he receives, and when he uses an ability he heals the teammate with the lowest health within in 30ft
Chiron's 1 is a small AOE that does damage,cripples enemies and can cleanse teammates
Chiron's 2 each of his basics marks enemies, your 2 hits them at almost any rangs, damages and slows them.
Chiron's 3 is a dash,knocking up minions,knocking back enemy gods, and you can basics during the dash.
Chiron's Ult Chiron changes form and can shoot 3 long range arrows, he doesn't die until his ult is done, if he kills an enemy he revives with the total damage he does. His ult also marks them.

Abilities:1. Herbal Medicine (Passive)

Every 12 seconds Chiron gets a herb for a poultice, that increase all healing he receives per pollice. Each time he uses an ability, the teammate with the lowest health within 30ft is healed and consumes a poultice.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Radius: 30 
  • Max Stacks: 3 
  • Healing Bonus Per Stack: 10% 
  • Healing Per Consumed Stack 30 (+ 5 per god level) over the next 5s 

2.Training Exercise
Chiron calls for his teammates to avoid the area and removes all cc so they can escape before it explodes dealing damage and crippling all enemies in the area.

  • Ability: Ground Target 
  • Radius: 17.5 
  • Range: 55 
  • Cooldown: 15s 
  • Cost: 55/60/65/70/75 
  • Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 (+80% of your physical power) 
  • Cripple Duration: 1s 

3.Masterful Shot

Chiron passively targets each enemy he hits with a basic attack reducing their physical protection by 3%. If he activates it again he fire tracer arrows that hit all marked targets and slow them.
  • Ability: Cone 
  • Range: 55 
  • Cost: 65 
  • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s 
  • Damage: 55/100/145/190/235 (+70% of your physical power) 
  • Mark Duration: 3.5s 
  • Slow: 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% 
  • Slow Duration: 3s 

Chiron dashes forward knocking up enemy minions and kick enemy Gods behind him. Chiron can use basic attacks as he charges.

  • Ability: Dash 
  • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 
  • Cooldown: 16 
  • Damage: 70/95/120/145/160 (+50% of your Physical Power) 

Chiron transform into the Constellation Centaurus and can fire 3 long range arrows that can go through walls. If he is killed between shots he doesn't die until he finishes his shots or runs out of time. If he kills an enemy in his constellation form he is revived with health equal to the damage he dealt during his ult. These arrows mark enemies.
  • Ability: Line 
  • Range: 120 
  • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 
  • Cooldown: 90s 
  • Damage per Shot: 100/145/190/235/280 (+90% of your physical power) 

How I Build Chiron:

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image 
  After playing with Chiron more, I've learned that while Chiron is an ADC, he does cast a lot so having a Transcendence build works better than the Devourer's Gauntlet. Off the start you buy level 2 Transcendence, and level 1 boots. Then as the money comes I finish Transcendence then finish off Warrior's Tabi. I use this start because I run out of mana fast really fast so Transcendence helps out in that respect and gives me a lot of power at the same time. Warrior's Tabi to get more power and some movement speed. Then I buy Soul Eater to get some more health, attack speed and some much needed life steal. Afterward I buy Executioner to get attack speed and power. Then I finish off my build by buying Rage and Death Bringer to get damage, and Crit chance. This is a build that lets you attack super fast, sustain with the extra health and life steal all while doing crazy amounts of damage per hit. Plus having more mana lets you use take advantage of your passive more often.

Summary:Chiron is incredible fun and fatal. If you work with your team just land you basic attacks/abilities you will WRECK LIVES. Use this guide to get you started with Chiron The Great Teacher and show the students that they can’t beat the master.


  • Remember that your 1 can be used as a cleanse 
  • If you land a few basics then use your 2 for the slaw then it makes it to land your one even with the delay. 
  • If you use your ult but they escape you can use your 2 as a finisher 
  • If you have your team with you and decide to chase with your 3 SHOOT SOMEONE 
  • Move during your ultimate and don’t be afraid to take a shot through a wall

Thursday, November 12, 2015

How to Have Fun in SMITE

This goes without saying  but SMITE is a very competitive game and as a new player it is VERY hard to play up to other player's expectation. If you're like me this can discourage you from playing but I have the solution to help you just have fun with the game no matter how new you are.

  1. Get a God that you like to play/ that you like to play/
  2. Get into an arena match because they are shorter game times and they are less serious
  3. Include as many items in your build that have attack speed, Ex Hasten Fatalis 
  4. Just hit people as fast as you can and don't get swallowed 
  5. Laugh no matter what happens because it will be really funny.
It either will look like this:
Credit to RAGE Group at
 Or like this:
Credit to jonseyht on his Youtube Channel 

Which looks funnier, I don't know but either way in game it is hilarious and a lot of fun. Just don't take it to seriously and have fun.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Xbalanque God Guide

Xbalanque the Hidden Jaguar Sun

Xbalanque is an ADC and my favorite God because he is amazing. Once you get to late game or if you get fed early game, you can hyper carry and just get kill after kill. Basically if you get fed, you have a lot of fun. He is played in duo lane with a support because he isn't good early but he does huge damage later.
Xbalanque 's Passive For every kill Xbal gets 5 power up to 6.
Xbalanque 's 1 toggles and makes his basics do more damage, can can split into 2 damage other enemies for less damage.
Xbalanque 's 2 a cone attack that damages enemies, slows them  and leaves a Dot on them.
Xbalanque 's 3 lets him dash and jump in the air becoming CC immune and shoots out darts that does damage, more if they are poisoned.
Xbalanque 's Ult covers enemies in darkness for 3s,increases his attack range, movement speed and if enemies, are moving at the end of 3s they are stunned.


1. Dead of Night (Passive)

Xbal's passive, Dead of the Night, lets him permanently gain 5 power for each kill he gets, stacking up to six times. This passive is really good late game because you have crazy power or if you get fed early game you just kill everything.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Max Stacks: 6 
  • Physical Power: 5 

2.Branching Bola

This is a toggle ability that make his basic attacks do more damage, if it hits an enemy it splits into 2 bolas that hit can hit other enemies up to 30 units away for 30 % damage, If you toggle it again you cancel and do normal basic attacks.
  • Ability: Buff 
  • Cooldown: .5s 
  • Cost: 8/10/12/14/16 per shot 
  • Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 

3.Poison Dart

Xbal shoots out 10 darts in the shape of a cone that does damage and poisons all enemies it hits. If they are poisoned they take damage every .5s and are slowed. An enemy can be hit by up to 3 darts with the 2nd and 3rd only doing 30% damage. 
  • Ability: Cone 
  • Cooldown =18/17/16/15/14s 
  • Cost = 70/75/80/85/90 
  • Poison Slow = 4/8/12/16/20% 
  • Poison Duration = 3s 
  • Damage per Dart = 30/50/70/90/110 +40% of your physical power 
  • Poison Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 +20% of your physical power

4.Rising Jaguar

Xbal rushes forward and then jumps into the air becoming CC immune. As he's in the air he fires darts in the air dealing damage in the air, if they were poisoned they will take additional damage. 
  • Ability = Dash 
  • Cooldown = 16s 
  • Cost = 60/70/80/90/100 
  • Radius = 30 
  • Damage = 80/130/180/230/280 +20% of your physical power 
  • Additional Poison Damage = 20% 

5.Darkest of Nights:

Xbalanque covers his enemies in darkness for 3s. While this is up his basic attack range and movement are increased. If the enemies are moving after the 3s they are stunned.
  • Ability: Area 
  • Cooldown = 90s 
  • Cost = 100 
  • Movement Speed = 20/30/40/50/60% 
  • Basic Attack Range Increase = 40ft 
  • Stun = 1.5s 

How I Build Xbalanque:

Credit to ELITE OWNAGE for the App Used in the Image
  When I play as Xbal I don't follow the recommended start instead of the usual hunter Death Toll, Devourer's Gauntlet 1, and a health pot instead I buy level 2 Transcendence, and level 1 boots. Then as the money comes I finish Transcendence then finish off Warrior's Tabi. I use this start because I run out of mana fast as Xbal so Transcendence helps out in that respect and gives me a lot of power at the same time. Warrior's Tabi to get more power and some movement speed. Then I buy Soul Eater to get some more health, attack speed and some much needed life steal. Afterward I buy Executioner to get attack speed and power. Then I finish off my build by buying Rage and Death Bringer to get damage, and Crit chance. This is a build that lets you attack super fast, sustain with the extra health and life steal all while doing crazy amounts of damage per hit.Summary:

My Last 2 Games as Xbalanque Image Credit to SMITEGuru 

Xbalanque is a very fun and very strong God but you need to understand how to play him or he is just a strong God. Use this guide a base for how to play him and then as you go and get better with him mix it up if you want if see what works for you. Just do me a favor and share your build if you find another way to run him.


  • If you are running out of mana turn his one off until you regain enough mana to fight or back. 
  • Start team fights with his 2 so the DOT is on them throughout the fight. 

  • Your 3 makes you CC immune and can be used to get out of things like a Hades Ult. 

  • Get kills as quick as you can to stack his passive but don't agress without your support there to back you up. 

  • Keep in mind that your Ult affects all enemy Gods and be used to defensively to get away or offensively to get kills. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Study Like A God


       Alright this is just a quick tip that I've been doing a lot  but didn't realize how much it was helping me until today. The tip is to basically study to Smite, just kidding it's to watch professionals or youtubers play Smite because you see what they do and then implement what they do into your playstyle. Don't completely copy what they do because then you won't have fun but if you pay attention to things like how they react to certain situations or what they buy on certain Gods that you struggle with, you can learn a lot and become better.

    The best place to watch is the Smite Pro League or SPL where profession Smite teams go head to head playing 2 back to back intensely competitive and entertaining games.  Each week there are two games from Europe and North America on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. If you don't want to watch every game, every week you don't have to, but I highly recommend at least watching a few games and see if you like it.
If that's not your style then look up Smite tips, Smite gameplay, etc. on youtube and find what you like. I personally watch Tyde Time and LostScarf the most.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

Arena Tips

The Arena!!!

1. Get Buffs When Possible

  • Don't rush into a fight like a chicken with its head cut off. There are 3 jungle buffs on each side. 
  • Let  3 people on your team get a buff
    • Mages usually get Mana 
    • Assassins or Warriors usually get Damage 
    • Hunters usually get Attack Speed
  • Remember to keep an eye on buff timers so you can keep your stats up 

2. Kill the Minions 

  • Last hitting minions deduct 1 point from the enemy team
  • Escorting your minions  to the enemy portal  deduct 1 point from the enemy team
  • Killing an enemy God deducts 5 points from the enemy team 

3.  Protect Your Siege Minions/ Attack The Enemy's 

  • For every 10 God kills your team gets you spawn a Siege Engine 
    • Has more health than a regular minion 
    • Can't Attack
    • Only move forward if it has at least 1 team member near it
    • Move Slower 
  • 15 points if you escort them to the enemy portal

4. Make Sure Your Build Makes Sense for Arena  

  • You don't need to buy starter items because the flow of arena allows you to just jump into your build, Most people buy full boots first
  • Wards aren't really useful
  • You're almost always in a team fight so beads and other actives are very useful 
  • Getting items with both physical and magical defense isn't a bad idea if you're struggling or if you just want to be able to sustain more.
  • If the other team has a Ares BUY BEADS I die way to many times from his ultimate

5. Don't Play too Conservatively or Aggressively 
  • Remember you are almost always in  a team fight, so be careful when using them aggressively
  • Be careful when chasing alone if you do make sure you have teammates on the way or a way to get out fast  
  • Remember that the area is relatively small so if you need to go back to the fountain a lot then you can just make sure that when you do you don't leave your team hanging 
  • Timing Ults together can get a lot of kills especially combining an Ares or Xian Tien Ult with a AOE Ult like Hou Yi  or Poseidon

6. Work with Your Team
  • Use the VGS to tell you team mates when to attack, defend, or  retreat (If don't know what those are I got you Click Here )
  • Talk to your team in the lobby to coordinate Gods and have a good team composition.
  • If you see someone going for a kill Do Not Kill Steal 
  • If you and your team are in trouble, using an AOE Ult like Hou Yi or Poseidon as you run can save your team from losing points.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How To Use VGS in Smite (PC)

    In all of Smite's game modes,, there is always a lot going on which makes talking to your team really hard and very important. Lucky for us Smite has an in game chat system called the VGS ,Voice Guided System, that uses key combinations to make callouts for you. Callouts are basically how you and your team react to situations and plan accordingly so that you guys can win the match.

VGS Main Screen
   This is the main menu,and  yes does look intimidating, that pops up when you first hit v.
Don't be scared I have the most important call outs in a neat chart to help you get started making call outs and being an effective teammate.


Here are the Endings For VGS
These are the most important ending for the VGS combos that involve key positions on the map.

Left Lane
Middle Lane
Right Lane
Golf Fury
Fire Giant

These Are the Most Useful
Here are a few VGS combinations that I think are important to know and the main callouts that I see in game.

Attack + Ending
Gank + Ending
Defend + Ending
Enemy Missing
Enemy + Ending
Help + Ending
On my way
Good Game
Good Job
Out of Mana
Be Right Back